Bingley Grammar School

Sixth Form Subject Advertising - In lessons & films

Year 11 Students

During December, subject areas will be presenting information about studying their course in Sixth Form. 

These presentations will be taking place in timetabled lessons by A Level specialist teachers, to give insight into the structure of the courses on offer and a flavour of what lessons will look like.

The timetable for these sessions is as follows:

W/C 4/12/22

MON 4th

TUE 5th

WED 6th

THUR 7th

FRI 8th

Period 1

Subject: Sport

Staff initials: LAB/DWS

Subject: HSC

Staff initials: HAW

Subject: Law

Staff initials: SIG

Via link

Period 2

Subject: Spanish

Staff initials: HCF

Subject: Maths, FM & Core Maths

Staff initials: 11S1 (DSM+TRW) 11S2 (EXH) 11S3 (TRW) 11S4 (TRW) 11S5 (JXW)

Period 3

Subject: Maths, FM & Core Maths

Staff initials: 11B1 (TRW+SKN) 11B2 (ARA) 11B3 (MZH) 11B4 (TRW) 11B5 (BQM)


Staff initials:DWS / HMB

Period 4

Subject: HSC

Staff initials:


Subject: Maths, FM & Core Maths

Staff initials: 11G1 (JRS+TRW) 11G2 (JRB) 11G3 (TRW) 11G4 (DSM) 11G5 (MZH)

History across week

History across week

History across week

History across week

History across week

Geography across the week

Geography across the week

Geography across the week

Geography across the week

Geography across the week

Biology / Chemistry / Physics to be delivered throughout various points in the week

RS in lessons on 4th

RS in lessons on 5th


W/C 11/12/22 MON 11th TUE 12th WED 13th THUR 14th FRI 15th
Period 1 Subject: Computer Science / IT
Staff initials: DSW (11R/Cp1)
Subject: Computer Science / IT
Staff initials: DSW (11T/Cp1)
Subject:English Literature
Staff initials: CAB (G1), ACG (G2), SZW (G3), DAM (G4)
Subject: English Language
Staff initials: GJA (G1), HFP (G2), MCK (G3), TCN (G4)
Period 2 Subject: English Literature
Staff initials: MES (S1), JCL (S2) KAH (S3), KDW (S4)
Subject: Computer Science / IT
Staff initials: DSW (11V/Cp1)
Subject: English Language
Staff initials: KZK (S1), TCN (S2), GLJ (S3), ASD (S4)
Subject: English Language
Staff initials: ECN (B1), GJA (B2), ACG (B3), GLJ (B4)
Period 3 Subject: Computer Science / IT
Staff initials: DSW (11U/Cp1)
Period 4 Subject: English Literature
Staff initials: KDW (B1), KYC (B2), KZK (B3), EZM (B4)


As mentioned previously, some subjects cannot be studied at Key Stage 4, or in Year 11, so they cannot advertise their A Level or Applied courses.

Therefore, the list below shows those extra courses on offer with an accompanying film to take you through their A Level or Applied presentations.

Please take a little time to review those that most interest you:

A Level Government and Politics
Applied Health & Social Care
A Level Psychology
A Level Sociology and Sociology Guide:
Applied Criminology and Criminology Guide:
Bingley Grammar Sixth Form - Virtual Lessons Tour
Remember, the link for your choices for Sixth Form has been sent to you, with the closing date for initial applications being Friday 19th January
This gives you plenty of time to review the presentations above and, perhaps, approach the teachers concerned for more advice if needed.  
If you have any queries, please contact the Sixth Form


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