Bingley Grammar School

MP Anna Dixon visits our Student Leadership Team

On 28th September, we welcomed the Labour candidate for Shipley, Anna Dixon, into our school to discuss the importance of democracy and raise political awareness with our student council.
Over 200 students participated in the morning, learning about the history of voting in our country and why it is important to foster a civic duty and what can be done to make changes in society in areas that students are passionate about. The students thoroughly enjoyed having the chance to engage in deep discussion and have their say on important matters. Anna facilitated a (non-party aligned) session that has hopefully inspired and impassioned our students to get more involved with politics and understand what they can do to have their voices heard.
This is the first of a number of events planned for this academic year, intended to give students a broader political education, with links to a number of issues being introduced in assemblies, including British Values and in turn Democracy and Rule of Law, which is something Mr Atkinson will be presenting to students next week. Students involved in today's session will be taking what they have learnt and using this in future tutor sessions with their peers.
Thank you to Anna for her time and thoughtful presentation throughout the session.

Mr. Riley



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