Bingley Grammar School

DofE Bronze Award Update

Last week Mr Morse gathered all our Yr 9 students working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, to update them on the expedition details.


The dates for the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expeditions are as follows:

Expedition 1: Friday 16th - Saturday 17th June
Expedition 2: Friday 14th - Saturday 15th July

Expedition Training Days:

Students will also attend one training day, they will be off timetable period 3 and 4 and take part in a supervised after school walk around the St Ives estate. They should be finished by 5pm. Training dates are as follows:

Training day 1: 25th April Classroom training for group A
Training day 2: To be confirmed Classroom training for group B
Training day 3: 3rd May Classroom training for group C

Consent Letters:

All students have received letters, kit lists and consent forms. Please can parents/carers read the information in the letter and make note of the expedition mobile number. The expedition will start at BGS and finish in Ilkley on the Saturday afternoon. 

Please can consent forms be returned to Mr Morse before half term; If a student cannot attend one of the expedition dates please let me know ASAP so I can move groups to the correct dates. More information will be communicated to the students around Easter time by email. 

Mr Morse


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