Bingley Grammar School

Pupil Premium - Parent Assistance 

Since April 2011, the Government has provided Pupil Premium Funding which is additional to main school funding.

The funding is allocated to us as a school to spend on students from low-income families who are known to be (or have been) eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) over the last 6 years, children of serving or ex-Servicemen and also for children who had been in Local Authority Care continuously for more than six months. This funding is given to schools to address the national concerns that those students who meet these criteria do not make as much progress as other students.

The school aims to ensure that every student performs to the best of their ability and that resources are appropriately allocated to enable this aim to be achieved. The school is using these funds to ensure that these pupils are: engaged in their learning; that they develop high aspirations and confidence; and that they develop their skills and qualifications especially in literacy and in maths. 

Outcomes for these pupils are monitored through school tracking, progress reports and exam results to ensure that their needs are being met and that this additional funding is having a positive impact.

How the Pupil Premium money is spent is monitored closely with all schools accountable for the impact of the money spent on reducing the gap in progress and attainment between Pupil Premium students and Non Pupil Premium students.

Click here to read our Pupil Premium Strategy

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