Bingley Grammar School

Mr Atkinson's Friday Update 11.02.22

Dear Parents and Carers,

Apologies for the delay in my Friday message, I had been waiting on some exciting news, which I can now share with you. Since 2016 Miss Shah has been working tirelessly to support students with a particular focus on Holocaust education. This year she took this another step further and applied for the school to become a partner school with the Anne Frank Trust and on Friday, we got official confirmation that this was happening:

This really is a prestigious honour for the school, however, it must be stressed it is much more than just Holocaust education, with the Anne Frank Trust also supporting us with:

- Anti Bullying Week

- Hate Crime Awareness Week

- LGBTQ+ History Month,

- International Women’s Day

Plus some of our students will get priority access to our first Youth Conference in March 2022.

Once again thank you to Miss Shah in getting us to this point and the enrichment opportunities you are giving the students, I know there are more to come! 

 With regards to enrichment this week also sees our Student Leadership Day happening on Wednesday. The day will start with a whole school assembly led by Mr Bridge (Junior) talking about role models. This will in turn lead onto the role models we have in the Student Leadership Team, with Mabel (Yr 9) and Emma (Yr 9) who are old hands at speaking to the whole school, joined by newcomer Jesse (Yr 9). The girls will highlight the work they will be doing as peer mentors in school, something Lucy in Yr 10 wrote to you so eloquently about last week. 

Finally, I must continue to highlight the traffic around school in the morning and afternoon, we still have a minority of parents parking/completing dangerous manoeuvres. This has resulted in accidents between cars and on occasion to students. I do realise students also need to be aware when crossing roads and we do remind them about this, however, parking and driving habits also add to this mix.  

Realistically, I really do not want to end on the request above, therefore I must draw your attention to the fantastic way students have responded to the new routines in school, we have introduced silent entry and exits to classrooms thus ensuring a calm and orderly start to lessons. This is part of supporting students with hidden needs, thus educating our students that not all extra needs can be seen. This is a small part of our work with the DFE Behaviour Hubs, with whom we are working on redefining our culture and the personal development we want for the students here at Bingley Grammar School.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read this,

Mr Atkinson

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